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4 Key Things to Do Each Quarter!

A new quarter is the ideal time to check in with your business to maximize success. I always find quarterly segments to be perfect for finding clarity, setting goals, and staying on track throughout the year.

We are wrapping up the first quarter of 2021 and entering into another three months. This is a great time to effectively analyze the ins and outs of your business.

It’s all-too easy to drift from your course and lose sight of your brand’s focus, and your goals. Here are four things that can help the next three months...

1. Rest

Take some time to start the quarter by resting from your business. We can’t pour from an empty cup! Press pause, step back and give empty space. Sometimes we can jump fast on ideas or go in directions that might not make sense. Rest helps us slow down and reflect! Clears our mind to make better choices.

Depending on what your schedule allows, set aside a few days (or a weekend) to unplug and give your mind time to rejuvenate and get a new perspective. This fresh look will help you progress with your best entrepreneurial endeavours during the next 90 days. Book ahead, and keep this in your yearly rhythm.

Take a break from your brand, ideas, goals, projects, and everything surrounding your business. Do your best to avoid thinking about anything business related--even when it’s tempting! Also, keep away from inspiration during this time. Try to unplug completely from the world surrounding your brand and industry.

After this time, you’ll have much more clarity to help you move in the right direction and come up with ideas that best align with your brand’s goals and mission. In our culture this can see counter intuitive but really I believe this is the missing piece in many businesses.

2. Reflect

Next up is reflection. After you take time away from your business, take a close look at how things have been going.

Reflecting at the start of a new quarter gives you the opportunity to get the best use out of the next 90 days. It gives you an overview of your business so you can find ways to work effectively, set good habits, and identify problem areas.

Consider reflecting on the following key areas of your business:

· Productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness of work time

· Motivation and enthusiasm

· Consistency with showing up

· Content creation

· Marketing and relationship-building

· Goal-reaching abilities and outcomes

· Products and services

· Brand messaging and website copy

· Brand and website design

· Being unique, original, and creative in your industry

Look at each of these areas and, identify what’s been working and what hasn’t been. If there are areas where you’re not hitting the mark, try to pinpoint why. Make sure you spot struggles and hang-ups, too, because roadblocks can be detrimental if left unconquered. If there are things not working, who can help you?

Finally, brainstorm strategies to make the upcoming quarter even better, and outline ways to overcome struggles.

3. Refine

Next, revisit the core of your business, and establish your goals for the next quarter.

Take a look at your foundational goals, the “why” behind your business, and what you hope the future brings. Use them to determine the best direction for your business. State, define, or revise the main components of your brand. They are essentially it’s heartbeat and what makes it tick.

If any of these building blocks have changed be sure to redefine them. This way, you can apply those refinements in the coming quarter. Clarifying your direction will help you make progress towards the right goals.

Establish what you will focus on during the next three months. Then, set specific goals, and create a plan that will allow you to achieve them. Start with larger goals and break them down into monthly and weekly chunks. Then, break those down even further into action steps that you can assign to each day.

4. Revitalize

This is the perfect time to put good practices into play, establish effective habits, and create a routine that will propel you forward for the next 90 days. Find that joy and energy that started your business! Surround yourself with people, resources, books and content that will help you level up and revitalize that fire inside you!

Here are some tips to keep yourself going strong over the next quarter:

-Stay motivated and inspired

-Build momentum

-Utilize resources to help you along the way

-Surround yourself with encouraging people

-Find an accountability partner to keep yourself on track

-Celebrate small wins through micro goals

-Keep a to-do list so you can see progress

-Create a morning routine and follow a daily schedule

-Maintain a tidy workspace to enable a productive day

Shine Bright!

~Tiffany Byl

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