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Social Media Just Isn't Your Thing???

Social media this, social media that, but what if you’re one of those people where social media just isn’t your thing? No problem! Let’s uncover ways to save you time when creating content to build your social media presence – and give you the confidence to post consistently.

The secret behind every social media account consistently churning out impactful content is content buckets and content batching. Content buckets are themes or topics used to guide what you post for your brand and content batching helps you create content for each bucket at once for easier planning.

What is content batching? Creating content in batches to use for the time period you created it for. For example, instead of writing a caption every time a post is ready to go live you write a week, two weeks, or a month worth of captions in a single sitting.

Content batching is a productivity and planning technique that leads to a more efficient way of creating content for you and your business. Before we get into how to create content in batches, let’s check out the benefits.

Not only does making content in advance leave you with more time to focus on bigger priorities for your business, but it leads to a more effective and cohesive method of creating content your followers and you will like.

Saves Time - Sitting down to create your content in a single sitting saves you time. Instead of creating content every day for a month to meet your numbers, adding time to your regular workflow to brainstorm captions, photo, and video concepts allows you to feel more confident in what you’re creating. It also leaves you with extra time during the week or month to better focus on running your business or brand.

Cohesive Grid - By creating content in advance, you can anticipate how it’s going to look before all the content is made.

Content batching isn't just a productivity hack. Spending time and energy to create cohesive content gives your Instagram a more credible, professional, and branded look your followers can trust.

Content batching will ultimately help you spend less time planning and creating for social media. This will establish boundaries and help you focus – leading to a more efficient and effective social media strategy to grow your business.

Not sure if you can pull this off? Try planning a week next, and then you can work your way up for a whole month. Batching saves time, reduces anxiety and overwhelm.

Batching isn't just for creating – it's a great hack for scheduling content as well. Once you have a batch of content created, you can schedule the content to auto-post.

By creating content in batches, you can get back to focusing on what truly matters – running your business!

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