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Some Strategy Basics to Consider...

Instagram has been one of the best tools for small business owners for over five years.

Instagram has amazing benefits, though it can be an overwhelming or dreaded task if you aren’t seeing results. It can be a lot of work to get the ball rolling and to keep the momentum going if you don’t have a simple strategy in place.

Some strategy basics to consider:

~Quality over Quantity~

It easy to see that the content standards on Instagram have grown into a place of crisp, high-definition images and videos over the years. Instagram is no longer the place to get away with posting a blurry photo. And while you could post a fuzzy image for the sake of posting something, it won’t do your business much good. In fact, it could be harmful and make you look anything but professional. It has never been more important to focus on quality rather than quantity. Besides that, all you need is a marketing strategy and a posting plan. And that’s where my course comes in handy! Message me if you want more information.

~Consistently showing up each day~

The content competition is in full swing these days, and everyone is trying to get ahead. And those of us who aren’t trying to get ahead are desperately trying to not fall behind.

And then there’s those of us who have pretty much stopped posting altogether because the social media noise is just too much. But despite which content camp you might be in, you can survive and thrive on Instagram—even if you don’t plan on posting 100 times a day.

~Consistently showing up each day-of-a-kind is the key~

With all of the online businesses and social media influencers, you can bet there’s someone saying and posting something similar to you.

But don’t let that discourage you. Instead, use it as a challenge to create and say something unique. This is the best way to gain traction and grow an audience. Try to share the one-of-a-kind aspects of your brand.

~Experiment and have fun with different features and types of posts~

Instagram has been on a roll with releasing new ways to use their platform over the years. It started out simple with a grid to post photos, and eventually, videos. Then, Instagram launched Stories, Lives, IGTV, Reels, and now Guides. These days, it seems like there’s something new almost every month. To say it can be overwhelming is an understatement. Your Instagram is all about creating a social space that helps your brand thrive, so it’s very unique to each person and account. Finding that balance is important for long term growth, and it will keep you from getting burnt out. Stories and grid posts are definitely the foundation to growing an engaged audience, but the newer features can be amazing for getting more exposure and for standing out.

~Try something new! If your previous ways haven’t worked, it’s time to move on~

Posting like crazy—or not really at all—and still getting no traction? Don’t just stick to your same old – same old strategy because it probably won’t all of a sudden work.

Instead, take time to explore other ways to stand out and reach your target market. Brainstorm and map out your ideas in a way that ties all of your content together and benefits your business.

Feel free to message me if you want more help in any of these areas. I can walk you through all of the steps to create a solid strategy and how to grow your Instagram without using up tons of hours each day or taking over your life.

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