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Your WHY can save a lot if headaches and time. Trust me!

Have you ever thought about why you are on social media?

I’m not talking about the practical and obvious reasons. I mean the deep down, personal reason you show up.

By sharing your WHY or the reason you’re in your line of work, your audience feels connected to you.

As Simon Sinek says, people don’t buy what you do, they buy why you do it.

Think back to when you started your business - you should have had your ‘why’ in mind. It is the foundational core of your business and your why helped you start in the first place!

Your why statement basically encompasses why and how you want to help the people or the audience that you help. The statement is one that you should always come back to when you are dealing with a difficult situation, experiencing burnout, overwhelm, or anxiety.

Maybe you don’t know your WHY and that’s resulting in you;

-Not feeling confident online

-Not sure what to post

-Not having a plan

When you have a deep understanding and a clear picture of your WHY, you are able to be more authentic!

There is no one else, like you! You have something important to offer and that is why you have to be you!

Once you know your WHY, it can become part of your brand message, marketing, interactions, and so much more! And another reason as to why it is a game changer for your business.

This is my why…“I expand in abundance, success, and joy every day, as I inspire those around me to do the same.”

Do you have a ‘why’ statement for your business that you come back to during difficult situations?

I love helping my clients connect the dots and find their WHY!

Check out my exclusive WHY Workbook that helps my clients figure out their WHY. All the steps, questions and guidance to make sure you lay the foundation of WHY, for your business. Click the button to check it out!

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